Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why is solar energy good source of energy?

These days solar energy is the most popular energy source in the world. Here is the list featuring the most important factors that make solar energy a „good energy source“:

Solar energy is renewable energy source meaning it is being constantly replenished and cannot be depleted like this is the case with fossil fuels. As long as Sun keeps shining solar energy will be available to us.

Solar energy is clean and environmentally friendly source of energy that doesn't contribute to climate change.

Solar energy industry creates plenty new jobs that can give huge boost to our economy.

Solar energy is extremely abundant source of energy with almost unlimited potential.

Solar energy is free source of energy because nobody owns the Sun.

Solar energy can help improve our energy independence and energy security by reducing the need for expensive foreign fuel import.

Adding solar panels improves the value of your property.

Adding solar panels

Solar panels are very silent and do not create noise pollution like some wind turbines do.

Solar energy can help electrification of many rural areas, particularly in developing world.

Solar panels have very good lifespan of 20+ years.

Solar panel prices have been constantly dropping in the last five years.

Solar panels require very little maintenance.

Solar energy industry is the fastest growing industry in the nation giving plenty of business opportunities to young people.

Solar panels do not lose much efficiency over the years and can be recycled.

People employed within the solar energy industry have very good salaries. Solar power engineer, for instance, can earn close to $100,000 per year.